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Home >  INFORMATION >  Spring semester 2024 – Events with exchange students

Spring semester 2024 – Events with exchange students

International Centre Supporter Welcome Party

The welcome party hosted by the International Centre Supporter on May 24 was a great success. The event brought together approximately 50 people, including international and Japanese students, providing a valuable opportunity for cultural exchange and camaraderie through interactive activities, such as bingo. The event provided a valuable chance for our first-year Japanese students to connect with other members of the International Centre Supporter, and we hope that this will help them kick-start their time with us on a positive note.
During the spring semester, the Centre is planning various events such as parties and excursions for Tokiwa students to enjoy with international students. We hope that our students, faculty, and staff will take advantage of the various opportunities to deepen their relationships with international students.

Fukushima Bus Tour
(Hosted by International Centre Supporter)

On June 15, International Centre Supporter members and exchange students took a bus tour to Aizu-Wakamatsu City in Fukushima Prefecture. The excursion included visits to Nisshinkan, where students studied local history, and the Tsurugajo castle, where they took in the surrounding views. Additionally, the group had the opportunity to try local cuisine, including Aizu Ramen and Sauce Katsudon, which brought the students together in a spirit of friendship. 

Boardgame Break
(Hosted by International Centre Supporter)

On July 15, a group of students, including exchange students, attended the board game event on Monday afternoon. The event provided a brief break from studies and had a lively and engaging atmosphere. The variety of board games played provided an excellent opportunity for students from different backgrounds to interact and build connections with one another. These types of events hold great value in fostering connections among students, and it was heartening to see the students engaging in conversational exchanges.

Summer Festival

The summer festival was held at the Mito International Center on July 25. It was a collaborative effort between Japanese and exchange students. The event featured various activities and cultural exchanges, including quizzes on Poland, Thailand, and Mongolia. Additionally, attendees participated in a lively performance of the traditional Aomori Bon Odori (Bon Festival Dance).
The dinner portion of the festival offered a diverse range of dishes, with exchange students preparing Pad Thai, Thai milk tea, and Filipino fried bananas for attendees to enjoy. The presence of international cuisine added an extra layer of cultural enrichment to the event. The festival was a great opportunity for attendees to experience and learn about different cultures, and it was clear that the students had put a great deal of thought and effort into creating a unique and engaging experience for all involved.